Dr. Aya Tsuji

Your personal Fairy Godmother

About Dr. Aya

Name: Aya Tsuji
Nickname: Fairy Godmother
Age: 26
Birthday: October 22nd, 1973
Height: 5’10
Gender: cis Female
Sexuality: Queer, her love is so deep she won’t label it
Cute Fun Fact: Aya loves when her clients gossip with her

RP Rules//Guidelines

♡ I will RP Part 4, 5 and maybe 6 with Aya
♡ Serious preferred!! I love building a story.
♡ Unsure at this point about multiship, we’ll get there when we get there
♡ Ships w/ chem
♡ 18+ RP in DMs w/ chem
♡ Just have fun with me!!! I’m always open to write.

Backstory, pre-Morioh: Aya Tsuji was born into a fairly normal home on the countryside, raised traditionally. Her father was a good man, and her mother was a beautiful woman, but the two constantly argued. Young Aya would hide away in her room, reading of Cinderella, watching the movies, playing with her dolls. She always wanted to make her parents stop. One day, the couple split, and Aya never saw her father again. She didn’t want to. Her mother became spiteful and distant, truly turning Aya into a Cinderella story. As soon as she turned 18, Aya moved away to little Morioh. She no longer wanted to be a princess waiting for her Prince Charming, she was going to become the Fairy Godmother that she needed as a child.

Backstory, post-Kira’s attack: Aya suffered great emotional and physical pain from Kira Yoshikage’s raid of her store. She was hospitalized for months, needing skin grafts and reconstructive surgery that was much too painful for her to do herself with Cinderella. After about 6 months in the hospital, Aya is released, finding that Yukako’s friends had cleaned the shop for her. Still, she sobs seeing the salon again, overcome with guilt that she let that monster get away. Aya continues her life’s work, using Cinderella on herself constantly to conceal her scars as best she can. She cannot cover her neck scar however, and struggles with this self-image. Still, she loves making others feel beautiful. Love is what drives her entire life.

♡ Aya’s Cinderella Salon is a safe haven for all sexualities and gender expressions, as long as you wash your hands you’re fine.
♡ She has tailored some of Kira’s coats unknowingly
♡ Aya’s skincare routine is very important to her. She will share it, but she’ll always leave one product out so you have to come back to her Salon and talk with her more.
♡ Gossip around her salon is the best, the regulars always have the best stories
♡ Aya has Cinderella memorabilia all around her home and salon. Her most precious is a figurine of Fairy Godmother hugging Cinderella that sits on her desk.
♡ She mainly works with faces and body renovation, but Aya preforms many services at her salon. Mani pedis, haircuts, massaging, just about anything. Her favorite are manicures.
♡ As much as she admires Fairy Godmother, Aya dreams of finding her own Cinderella or Prince Charming.

About the Admin

♡ People usually call me Momma Kitty whatever you like :^)
♡ 18+
♡ Chicagoan
♡ full-time student and part-time suffering in retail
♡ Queer Leather Female
♡ RPing for 8+ years
♡ JJBA is literally like the only thing I fixate on, it helped me through a hard time in my life, I love it a lot
♡ Very new to Twitter!!!! I love how active it is but ooUUGHHH I HATE THE CUT OFF FOR THE TEXT
♡ Always here to talk if you need someone darlings

( Made with Carrd )